Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Aunt Karen Comes to the Rescue

Hey, Dougie. DeeDee is thrilled that you are getting to spend time at her house this summer while school is closed. However, I had a real problem. I do not have many of the things that babies need at my house...since my last baby was born 30 years ago!!

Aunt Karen kept a lot of Bryan's baby things and she has generously loaned some of them to me. She has really been a godsend. After your mommy dropped you off at my house this morning, you and DeeDee took a car ride over to Aunt Karen's office (it's only about 15 minutes away from DeeDee's house). She brought me her Fischer Price 3 in 1 Travel Tender and her Graco Totwheels II. Now you have a bed to sleep in when you are at DeeDee's house. And, oh my goodness, the Totwheels were a great big hit with you!! You loved sitting up like a big boy and playing with your toys on the tray. You also were so excited to be able to move around on your own. So far, you are only going backwards, but you didn't care since, at least, you were moving.

I'll see you again on Thursday, Dougie. Love ya, DeeDee

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fun at DeeDee's

Hey, Dougie, didn't we have fun yesterday? You got to stay at my house all day!! I picked you up at your mommy's school at 8am. Because of your car seat, I drove your mommy's car to my house and she kept my car at school.

We did all kinds of fun things. We played with the special toys you have at DeeDee's house, and you got to sit in DeeDee's "Grandmother stroller" (Thanks again, Alcie!!) on the deck. We decided that it was just too hot to take a walk...the summer heat and humidity are pretty bad already, even though it is not quite officially summer.

We played on the floor. You had some tummy time, and you loved playing peek-a-boo. You were all smiles and giggles!! We listened to music and DeeDee took lots of pictures of you...even one in your sunglasses. You are such a cutie!!

You didn't sleep very much since your mommy forgot to bring DeeDee the pack-n-play and you had to sleep on the floor or on the sofa in the living room. DeeDee's living room is very bright, so it was hard for you to stay asleep for long.

You really love taking your bottles. Whenever you thought that DeeDee was going to take your bottle away, you reached your little hands up and pulled the bottle back into your mouth. You are a very humgry boy and you are growing very quickly.

You were very glad to see mommy when she got to DeeDee's house just before 4. You gave her a huge grin and snuggled into her arms. Mommy stayed for dinner so that Pappa Mike had a chance to see you. He is going to Missouri on his week-long bike ride next week, so it will be a couple of weeks before he gets to see you again. Even though you were very sleepy, you really enjoyed your time with Pappa Mike...and you kept eyeing our dinner. It won't be long before you will be able to join us at the table...and it looks like you are anxious for that time to come.

Love ya, Dougie. I can't wait for your next day at DeeDee's!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Last Day of School

Hey, Dougie, school is out for the year!! You get to stay home every day now with your daddy and your cousin Ally. I know that you will miss your friends and will be glad to see them again in August. DeeDee will miss being able to sub in the ELC with you. I love working in the ELC because I get to spend the entire day with you.

Yesterday I subbed in the ELC so that Ms. JoAnn could attend the end-of-year events. It was your last day of school. You had a lot of fun playing at the Activity Station. You were so cute when you hit the "piano" keys and made music. You hit those keys again and again when you figured out that you were making the sounds yourself!!  

Unfortunately, you were a little cranky again...drooling a lot, too, so I'll bet you are teething. You really chomped down on my finger when you got it into your mouth, which is another sign that your teeth might be the cause of your discomfort. You did not sleep very much. When you did fall asleep, you woke up screaming after just a short time. That is not at all like you. You usually take good naps and then lay in your bed and look around quietly after you wake up. I do hope that whatever is bothering you is better soon.

See you soon, Dougie. Hope you have a wonderful summer. I love you!!


Thursday, June 4, 2009

An Unsettled Day

Hey, Dougie. Today DeeDee spent a lot of time with you in the ELC. It was not one of your best days. You just could not seem to get comfortable. You were so sleepy, but every time you got to sleep, either in my arms or in your crib, you would wake up fussing in just a few minutes. It was obvious that something was bothering you, but no one could figure out what was wrong. Maybe you are teething or maybe you have a little bit of of bug. Miss JoAnn, your mommy and I just have to guess since you are not big enough to tell us where you hurt.  

DeeDee took you for a walk in the stoller to distract you and it was the best time you had all day!! You did not cry one time the whole time we were on our walk. You loved watching the birds and feeling the breeze on your skin. It was drizzling very lightly, so we had to stay under cover, but you did not really care. You just love being outside. DeeDee was so glad to find something that made you feel a little bit better!!

Love you, Dougie. I'll see you again tomorrow. I hope that you are feeling much better in the morning.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Giggles for Grandma!!

Hey, Dougie, I sure did have fun with you today in the ELC! When I got there at 12:30, you had just finished eating and you were reclining and watching the world go by. After a while you got tired of just sitting there, so I picked you up and started showing you one of the musical toys. I started turning it over and over so that you could hear the metal cymbals clanging. You thought it was SO funny. Before I knew it, you were giggling out loud every time I turned that little noise-maker over. This was the first time I have heard you giggle and it is such a fun thing to hear. I love that you are now able to actually play with me!!  You are getting to be such a big boy...you'll be 4 months old in just a couple of days!!

Laughin' and Dancin'

DeeDee and Pappa Mike loved visiting with you on Sunday, too. Pappa Mike danced with you while we played Toddler Tunes on the MP3 player. You really loved it when Pappa Mike danced around the house with you in his arms.

Of course, you had to be facing out 
so that you could see everything that was going on!!
--Just like your mommy did when she was your age...

Sleepy Boy
By the time we left, you were totally worn out. Your mommy put you in your bed and you went right to sleep all by yourself!!

Love you, Dougie. See you tomorrow.