Hey, Dougie, didn't we have fun yesterday? You got to stay at my house all day!! I picked you up at your mommy's school at 8am. Because of your car seat, I drove your mommy's car to my house and she kept my car at school.
We did all kinds of fun things. We played with the special toys you have at DeeDee's house, and you got to sit in DeeDee's "
Grandmother stroller" (Thanks again, Alcie!!) on the deck. We decided that it was just too hot to take a walk...the summer heat and humidity are pretty bad already, even though it is not quite officially summer.
We played on the floor. You had some tummy time, and you loved playing peek-a-boo. You were all smiles and giggles!! We listened to music and DeeDee took lots of pictures of you...even one in your sunglasses. You are such a cutie!!

You didn't sleep very much since your mommy forgot to bring DeeDee the pack-n-play and you had to sleep on the floor or on the sofa in the living room. DeeDee's living room is very bright, so it was hard for you to stay asleep for long.
You really love taking your bottles. Whenever you thought that DeeDee was going to take your bottle away, you reached your little hands up and pulled the bottle back into your mouth. You are a very humgry boy and you are growing very quickly.
You were very glad to see mommy when she got to DeeDee's house just before 4. You gave her a huge grin and snuggled into her arms. Mommy stayed for dinner so that Pappa Mike had a chance to see you. He is going to Missouri on his week-long bike ride next week, so it will be a couple of weeks before he gets to see you again. Even though you were very sleepy, you really enjoyed your time with Pappa Mike...and you kept eyeing our dinner. It won't be long before you will be able to join us at the table...and it looks like you are anxious for that time to come.
Love ya, Dougie. I can't wait for your next day at DeeDee's!!