Thursday, March 26, 2009

Getting Ready for BIG Adventures

Flirting with Great Grandma

Hey, Dougie. I loved being with you this week. On Wednesday and Thursday I came over to your house to help your mommy get ready for your trip to South Georgia for your Grandma Pam's family reunion on Saturday. I know that everyone down there is very excited that they will finally be able to meet you! 

The plan was for you and your mommy to pick-up your daddy at school at 3PM on Friday and to drive down south. You were going to spend Friday night at Grandma Pam's and Grandpa Doug's and then go to the reunion on Saturday. Your mommy and daddy had planned to bring you back home as soon as the reunion was over. However, it has rained and rained all day today. In fact, the rain is still coming down very hard. Your mommy called me just a little while ago and said that you were going to spend another night at Grandma and Grandpa's and come home tomorrow morning after the rain stopped. I'm so glad that they decided to stay until tomorrow. It is way too dangerous to drive in this heavy rain!!

You are in for a big week next week, Dougie. Your mommy is going back to work and you are going to go with her every day to the Early Learning Center at her school. Miss JoAnn will be there to take care of you every day and you will have lots of new friends. I am sure that you will have a great time.

Almost a smile...Look at those dimples!!

You will be showing off all of the new things you have learned lately. On Thursday, you turned over from your tummy to your back all by yourself!! You have started to smile at people, too, so I am sure that you will charm everyone you meet when you go to school!! I hope that you have a wonderful first week. DeeDee will try to stop in to see you in your new environment one day this week.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Utterly Content!!

Hey, Dougie. This pictue is my current favorite. Your mommy took it on St. Patrick's Day, while DeeDee was holding you. Notice my green shirt...I know, its not kelly green, but it was the best that I could do.

Do you know why I like this picture so much? Because after many attempts, you finally succeeded in getting your little thumb into your mouth and keeping it there long enough to drift off to sleep. You have been trying to do this for a couple of weeks now and you finally had your very first success!! You are a very determined little boy, and I am sure that before long, getting that thumb will be second nature to you, but right now, its a great triumph when you succeed. You don't yet succeed every time you try, but you definitely keep trying.

Pappa Mike and I visited you this past Sunday. Pappa Mike had not seen you in 2 whole weeks and he could not believe how much you had grown and how well you were holding your head up all by yourself. We had a very good time with you, even though you were pretty tired after your long trip to the University of Georgia in Athens on Saturday and your visit from Miss JoAnn from the Early Learning Center earlier Sunday afternoon.

I hope that you have gotten a lot of rest the last couple of days. I am coming up tomorrow to see you and to help your mommy get ready to go back to work. I can't wait to see how you are doing capturing your thumb!!

Love you, Dougie. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Away on Vacation

Kayaking on Weeks Bay

Wow, Dougie, I can't believe it has been over a week since my last post!! It has been a very busy week. 

Last Wednesday, DeeDee and Pappa Mike went down to the Gulf Coast. DeeDee had to meet with some of her customers, and while we were there, we also checked up on our house and got a little R&R. Before we left, Pappa Mike had worked very long hours for about 3 weeks. We were very ready for some time away.

Pappa Mike rode his bicycle every day. He loves to ride for hours. He usually rides over 30 miles every time he goes out. DeeDee and Pappa Mike also got to go kayaking twice while we were there. It was so much fun and very relaxing!! 

I can't wait until you are big enough to go with us in the kayak so that we can show you the Great Blue Herons and the Osprey. It is nesting season for the Great Blue Herons and it was so cool to see the father herons sitting at the top of the pine trees, with just their long necks and little heads showing. They were keeping an eye on the bay to ensure that the mother herons and their chicks stayed safe.

Not quite ready for visitors

We are having work done on our house down at the coast, so it is not ready for you to visit quite yet. Hopefully, it will be ready by summertime. The entire living area of the house is torn up right now and there is dust everywhere. The fake beams on the ceiling, the carpet and the fireplace have been torn out. The popcorn is off of the ceiling and it has been redone. There is still painting, crown molding, floors and a French Door to be installed. I am so glad that we are not living in the house while this work is going on!!

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. You looked so cute in your special outfit. You went out to eat with the girls again. Your mommy, Great Grandma Dugie and DeeDee went to Chili's. We did not have very good service, so we were there a very long time and you got a bit impatient. Your mommy got her favorite dessert, which made her very happy.

You are learning to suck your thumb. Yesterday, when I was holding you, you were finally able to get your thumb into your mouth and keep it there for several minutes. You want to suck that thumb so bad and it frustrates you so much that it keeps popping out of your mouth and you have to figure out how to find it again. I know that it won't be long until you will be sucking your thumb like a champ.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Aunt Katie Goes Home

Aunt Katie and Dougie in the Sleepy Wrap

Dougie, Aunt Katie had to go back home today. We will all miss her. And, she will miss you very much. She told me how much she enjoyed being able to spend the last two weeks getting to know you. You are a lucky boy to have an aunt who loves you enough to spend so much of her vacation time with you.

I got to see you for just a very short time this morning when I came to your house to get Aunt Katie to take her to the airport. She was trying to convince your mommy that she should allow her to pack you up and take you home with her, but your mommy did not think that was a very good idea. Aunt Katie was sad when she had to leave you with your mommy.

On the way to the airport, Aunt Katie and DeeDee stopped by to see Lindsey and Zachary. He is just two weeks younger than you are, but he seemed so tiny!! You are a lot heavier than he is. It is hard to believe that you were that tiny just a couple of weeks ago.

DeeDee and Pappa Mike are going to south Alabama this coming weekend. We are leaving tomorrow after Pappa Mike gets off of work. We will come back home on Sunday. I am hoping that I will get to see you tomorrow before we leave...otherwise, it will be six or seven days until I will get to see you again. I'm sure that you will grow a foot in that amount of time.

Love ya, Dougie. See you soon.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday at DeeDee and Pappa Mike's

What a handsome guy!!

Dougie, you came to our house for the first time today!! It was so nice having you, your mommy and daddy and Aunt Katie here with us. It was a beautiful day...perfect for your first trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Your daddy and mommy say that you love your carseat, just like your mommy did. You were quiet all the way to our house.

You were very hungry when you arrived so the first thing that your mommy had to do was to feed you and then change your diaper. You were a little fussy, so DeeDee held you while the rest of the family ate their dinner. Pappa Mike made his famous Broccoli Chicken Fettuccine because it is one of Aunt Katie's favorite dishes. He wanted her to have a special dinner before she leaves for home on Tuesday. We also had a nice salad and Strawberry Shortcake for dessert.

Chattin' with Pappa Mike

You love to sit facing the world, just like your mommy did when she was your age. You like to observe everything that is going on. You especially like to look out the window. I think you are going to love the outdoors just like your daddy, Pappa Mike and Grandpa Doug. 

After dinner, DeeDee turned on the MP3 player so that you could hear the music she bought for you. I don't think that your daddy liked the music very much, but your mommy and Aunt Katie remembered some of the songs. They especially liked singing "Little Bunny Foo Foo." They tried to teach it to your daddy, but he thought it was a silly song. I'll bet that when YOU start singing it, you can get your daddy to sing along with you.

Dougie, Pappa Mike and I loved having you here at our house today. We hope that you will come again very soon.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dougie!!

Today you are one month old!! The time has gone by so quickly. It just does not seem possible that at this time last month DeeDee had not even met you yet. 

You have grown so much in the last month. You are getting longer every day. You were really long when you were born @ 22". Today, you are already pushing through the toes of the 0-3 month size clothes! 

What a difference in just one week!!

Since you were born, Spring has begun to arrive here in the South. You wouldn't have known it last Sunday when we got such a big snowfall, but Spring is coming quickly. The flowers are starting to bloom. The birds are flying everywhere collecting sticks and mud to use to build their nests. The weather is getting warm. You will really enjoy getting out in the fresh air in your stroller and watching the world come alive. 

When we go to bed tonight, we turn our clocks ahead one hour because Daylight Savings Time starts tomorrow. It will stay light later in the evening so when your daddy comes home from work there will still be time for an outing before it gets dark.

Tomorrow, you get to make your first trip to DeeDee's house. I can't wait to have you here. You are coming with your mommy and daddy and Aunt Katie. The adults will have dinner, but your mommy won't let you taste Pappa Mike's cooking just yet, so you will just have to watch us eat. I am hoping that we will have time to take a walk on the trail in our neighborhood so that you can see Springtime for yourself.

Hope your one-month birthday is special, Dougie. I love you!! See you tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lunch with the Girls

Dougie, yesterday you went out to lunch with the girls and, of course, you were the star of the show--and you slept right through it!!

Great Grandma Dugie took DeeDee, Mommy, and Aunt Katie out to lunch. We had to go in two cars because we wouldn't all fit in your mommy's car, since your carseat takes up a lot of room. We had a very nice time. You sat on the window ledge in your carseat and slept the entire time we were in the restaurant. We were out in the patio room and, although it was cold outside, it was toasty warm inside. Everyone had a good meal and there was even half an Asian wrap leftover to take back to the house for your daddy to enjoy later.

After lunch, Great Grandma Dugie and DeeDee went to Great Grandma's favorite store to look around and you went with your mommy and Aunt Katie to JoAnn's and Walgreen's.  After I dropped Great Grandma off at her house, I came over to your house to see you.  Your mommy was feeding you and then you fell asleep on her and she fell asleep, too.  Aunt Katie and I worked on sewing a burp cloth that she was making as a gift for Zachary. It was the first time that she had made one of the burp cloths and she did a good job, but was not totally happy with it because it was "not perfect." I think that Lindsey and Zachary will like it just fine!!

Pappa Mike came over the your house for just a few minutes before we had to leave for Zachary's Bris. He was so glad to see you since the heavy snow kept him from visiting you over the weekend. He couldn't believe how much you had grown and how much longer you are awake and looking around now.

Aunt Katie, Pappa Mike and DeeDee went to the Bris and were gone about 2 and a half hours. When we got back, we came in to see you again for just a minute. Your mommy gave DeeDee some things that needed to go to her school. DeeDee was working there today, helping with final exams. DeeDee dropped off all of the stuff while she was there.

I did not come see you after school today because I still have a little congestion and I do not want to pass that on to you. I hope that I will feel much better tomorrow and be able to come and hold you for a while!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Hangin' with Aunt Katie on a Snow Day

Aunt Katie and Dougie

Hey, Dougie, today was your first "Snow Day". We don't get too many of those down here in the South, so you really need to enjoy the ones you get. I know that your daddy was thrilled that he had a snow day today. He really enjoyed having a bonus day at home with you.

Today you and I hung out with Aunt Katie all day. We had a really good time. I took lots of pictures of the two of you together. You like to sleep all curled up in Aunt Katie's arms. You usually don't like to sleep that way when anyone else is holding you. You and Aunt Katie have a very special bond already!!

You are growing so much. You were wearing a 3month sized outfit today and you were about to punch through the toes of your little suit. If you weren't so long, the outfit would have fit you fine!

This is one of the pictures DeeDee took of you look just like your daddy.  I know that he is so proud!! He was going to read you a story today when he got back from running errands with your mommy. You told him that he would have to wait until later because you were very sleepy and you needed a nap. Daaddy told you that was OK. He held you while you slept and he told you that he would read you the story later. 

I hope you sleep well for your mommy and daddy tonight. DeeDee will see you tomorrow. I love you, Dougie.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow in the South

Snow in DeeDee's front yard

Dougie, it has been so long since I have seen you. The last time I was at your house was February 25th and today is the first day of March. Pappa Mike and DeeDee were on our way up to see you today, but we had to turn around and go home because of the snow. The weather man said that the snow would stick to the grass, but not to the roads. He was wrong!! When we left our house, the snow was coming down very hard. We expected to find clear roads once we got out of the neighborhood, but no such luck. DeeDee was very sad because she had counted on seeing you today...I guess that I will just have to wait until tomorrow to see you.

Mommy's nursing covers

Yesterday I made two more nursing covers for your mommy. She made one just after you were born and she is using it all the time. She is getting lots of compliments on it, too. Pappa Mike and I also went to the scratch and dent sale at REI. We found some really good stuff, including a bike for Pappa Mike and an extra set of paddles for our kayak. I also found a really neat book to read to you. Pappa Mike and DeeDee are going to keep it at our house, so that we can help you learn about animals when you visit us. 

Dougie's new book

Since I couldn't visit you today, I made another nursing cover for Aunt Katie's friend, Lindsey. She had a little boy named Zachary last Tuesday.  He less than 3 weeks younger than you are. Maybe you can play together sometime. Pappa Mike, DeeDee and Aunt Katie are going to get to meet Zachary at his Bris on Tuesday. We are anxious to meet him and to see his mommy, daddy and big brother, Joshua.

Lindsey's nursing cover

Keep your fingers crossed that the roads clear off early tomorrow so that DeeDee can come see you.  I can't wait to hold you again and to see how much you have grown since last Wednesday.