Hey, Dougie.
You spent Halloween night with DeeDee and Pappa while your mommy went to the homecoming dance. We had a lot of fun. You practiced your "almost crawl"...you are not yet moving on your hands and knees, but you are so close. You push off with your arms and scoot forward. There is a little knee action, but not quite enough to call it a crawl just yet. You also enjoyed watching the washer go round-and-round and watching Pappa make cookies.
We did not have any Trick or Treaters at our house because we are not on the Halloween route through our neighborhood. We were hoping to get just a few so that you could help us give out candy. You are just not old enough to go Trick or Treating this year. You looked so cute in your "Baby's First" onsie!!
You had a great dinner of baby carrots, baby applesauce, green peas (which you learned to pick up off of your tray even though they kept rolling around on you) and graham crackers. You also had a 4 oz bottle of milk before you went to bed. Before bed, DeeDee and Pappa gave you some baby Orajel and Tylenol. Those two front teeth still are not in. DeeDee went with your mommy to your six-month check-up and I can remember Dr. Taylor saying that those teeth would be through any day...and now, its almost time for your 9 month check-up and they still are not in. You even have a blister on your gum, where one of the teeth is trying to break through. I sure do hope that they come in soon.
I'm so glad you stayed with us tonight, Dougie. We loved having you...it was such a nice way to spend your first Halloween night!!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
First Halloween
Hey, Dougie. Today was the Halloween parade at the ELC and you looked so cute dressed up like a duck hunter!! You had camo pants, that were a gift from one of Pammie and Granddaddy's friends down south, and you even had a wooden rifle that your mommy found at a yard sale!!
Here are some pictures of you before you went to school today. I'm sure that you were a big hit with all of the big kids and your teachers.
Too bad you didn't have a duck...since someone wouldn't cooperate with a costume of her own. Pappa tried to talk her into it, but your mommy didn't think that was such a good idea.
Hope you had fun in the Halloween parade, Dougie!!
Here are some pictures of you before you went to school today. I'm sure that you were a big hit with all of the big kids and your teachers.
Too bad you didn't have a duck...since someone wouldn't cooperate with a costume of her own. Pappa tried to talk her into it, but your mommy didn't think that was such a good idea.
Hope you had fun in the Halloween parade, Dougie!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Finger Foods
Dougie, today was a milestone day...you started to feed yourself finger foods!!
After your mommy and Pappa went to work this morning, DeeDee gave you your breakfast. You had cereal and a jar of bananas. DeeDee also gave you some Puffs to eat. When you saw them, you opened your mouth like a little bird and wanted me to put the Puff right in your mouth...but DeeDee had other ideas. Last night at dinner, you were able to get one little piece of broccoli into your mouth all by yourself, so DeeDee knew that you were ready to start eating finger foods without her help.
Instead of putting that Puff in your mouth, DeeDee put it down on your tray and showed it to you. You started pushing that little Puff all over the tray, and once your hand was damp, it stuck to your hand. You tried and tried to get the Puff into your mouth. You worked a long time at it and it finally went into your mouth!! DeeDee clapped for you and told you what a big boy you are. I was so proud of you!!

DeeDee kept giving you Puffs and you kept working to get them to your mouth. By the time you were finished with breakfast, you had eaten about 12 Puffs all by yourself!! You got so good at it that you were able to get the Puffs to your mouth in seconds after DeeDee put them onto your tray. You are a very fast learner!!
Both Mommy and Pappa called before you went down for your nap and they both talked to you and told you how proud they are that you are growing up to be a big boy!!
I can't wait to see what new foods you will discover now that you can feed yourself!!
Love you, Dougie. See you soon!!

DeeDee kept giving you Puffs and you kept working to get them to your mouth. By the time you were finished with breakfast, you had eaten about 12 Puffs all by yourself!! You got so good at it that you were able to get the Puffs to your mouth in seconds after DeeDee put them onto your tray. You are a very fast learner!!
Both Mommy and Pappa called before you went down for your nap and they both talked to you and told you how proud they are that you are growing up to be a big boy!!
I can't wait to see what new foods you will discover now that you can feed yourself!!
Love you, Dougie. See you soon!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
8 Months Old!!

Hey, Dougie. You are now 8 months old. You are such a big boy. Pappa and DeeDee love to watch all of the new things you know how to do now.
You love to eat solid food and are getting more comfortable eating things with texture. On Tuesday you ate broccoli and bananas!! Pappa cooked the broccoli really well and you loved it!! We already knew that you loved bananas from a baby food jar, so we tried the real thing and you thought it was wonderful. Oh, and grapes...you tried grapes, too. Even though you were exceedingly tired, you gobbled them right down. Peel me another grape, Mommy!!
You are finally getting your top two teeth. Your mommy saw one of them the other morning. You have been really drooling lately, so I'm sure that both of them will be in soon.

You love playing with the cores from rolls of paper towels, water jugs and oatmeal boxes...for some reason, these things are much more interesting than toys. You also love pulling the drawers out of the coffee table...soon you will be filling them with your treasures.
Pappa and DeeDee are in LA this weekend. Your Granddaddy Dewaine and Grandmommy Molly are visiting you. You are also going to get to see Uncle Jamie and Aunt Rebecca. We will miss you, but I know that you will have fun with all of your company.
You would have loved to see the spider web that Pappa and DeeDee saw yesterday morning...it was really cool the way the sunlight was hitting it...and the spider was HUGE!!

See you on Tuesday, Dougie.
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