First Try--that little Puff isn't where you think it is!!Dougie, today was a milestone started to feed yourself finger foods!!

After your mommy and Pappa went to work this morning, DeeDee gave you your breakfast. You had cereal and a jar of bananas. DeeDee also gave you some Puffs to eat. When you saw them, you opened your mouth like a little bird and wanted me to put the Puff right in your mouth...but DeeDee had other ideas. Last night at dinner, you were able to get one little piece of broccoli into your mouth all by yourself, so DeeDee knew that you were ready to start eating finger foods without her help.

Instead of putting that Puff in your mouth, DeeDee put it down on your tray and showed it to you. You started pushing that little Puff all over the tray, and once your hand was damp, it stuck to your hand. You tried and tried to get the Puff into your mouth. You worked a long time at it and it finally went into your mouth!! DeeDee clapped for you and told you what a big boy you are. I was so proud of you!!

DeeDee kept giving you Puffs and you kept working to get them to your mouth. By the time you were finished with breakfast, you had eaten about 12 Puffs all by yourself!! You got so good at it that you were able to get the Puffs to your mouth in seconds after DeeDee put them onto your tray. You are a very fast learner!!
Both Mommy and Pappa called before you went down for your nap and they both talked to you and told you how proud they are that you are growing up to be a big boy!!
I can't wait to see what new foods you will discover now that you can feed yourself!!
Love you, Dougie. See you soon!!
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