Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lunch with GreatGrandma

Hey, Dougie, we had a great day yesterday. Sadly, I don't have any pictures to share.

I picked you up at the ELC a little after 10am and we rode up to Grandma Dugie's house to surprise her. She did not know that you were going to join in our lunch date. She was so surprised that you were with me.

Grandma Dugie was so excited to see you. She does not get to see you as often as she would like because your mama is very busy these days and does not have many chances to get up to her grandma's house with you. Grandma Dugie let you explore her house from back to front. You checked out all of the rooms and tried to figure out just what you could get into. You did a good job of rearranging the framed pictures on the table in her living room.

You loved it when Grandma Dugie picked you up, rocked you back and forth, counted 1-2-3 and dropped you on the bed. You giggled so much at that fun game. As part of the game, she also taught you the correct way to get off of the bed so that you would not hurt yourself. You learned very quickly to climb off of the bed backward...because you wanted her to repeat the game.

We went to lunch at O'Charley's and you discovered their yummy rolls. You kept signing "More, please", and would have eaten as many as I would give you. You also shared DeeDee's ate chicken and beef and shredded cheese, which was a fairly balanced meal considering that you couldn't take your eyes off of those rolls!!

After lunch we all went shopping. DeeDee found a neat CD/DVD set that has all kinds of kids songs on them. We played the CD in the car on the way back to the ELC and you clapped along with the music, until you couldn't keep your eyes open. You really needed a nap, so DeeDee was glad that you fell asleep. I took the long way back to school so that you would have time for a good nap.

It was a fun outing. We are going to have to have lunch with Grandma Dugie again real soon.

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