Since you had not eaten much at all yesterday, we decided to take you to Havana, one of your favorite places, to see if we could get you to eat something. You love their black beans and yellow rice and you did eat quite a bit...very little hit the floor. You also had lots of people to watch, which distracted you from feeling quite so miserable.

Unfortunately, that durn congestion kept waking you up. The only way that you were able to sleep was on either DeeDee or Papa's shoulder. You were so tired that you couldn't stay awake as long as you were being held upright so that the mucus did not choke you.
DeeDee and Papa hated to see you feeling so bad...but we loved having you snuggle down on our shoulder and sleep. You are such an active, independent little boy that you never let us hold you like that!!
Papa and DeeDee hope that you feel better very soon!!
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