Thursday, February 26, 2009

Music for Dougie

DeeDee is suffering from Dougie withdrawal.  I did not get to come to see you today.  I called your mommy and Aunt Katie and they had planned to take you for another car ride to do some errands. They sounded like they had everything under control, so I decided to stay at home to get some things done here.

I really missed seeing you today.  I won't get to see you tomorrow, either, because I have to teach Kindergarten at the school here in my neighborhood. I can't wait to see you this weekend.

I ran some errands by myself today.  When I went to WalMart, I found a set of 3 CD's with 150 of the BEST songs for little kids.  DeeDee loves music...she even sings in the Community Chorus that meets near my house.  I put the music on my MP3 player so that I can bring it when I come to see you.  I will enjoy singing to you so that you can learn all of these good songs. When you are older, we can sing together!!

Love ya, Dougie.  See you soon.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Aunt Katie is Finally Here!!

Aunt Katie and Dougie

Dougie, your Aunt Katie came to visit you today and she is going to get to stay with you for two whole weeks. She lives so far away that she had to fly on a big airplane for 5 hours to get here. We got out of the airport faster than I ever have in the past. Everything just worked very smoothly and we did not run into any bad traffic on the highway either. When we got to your house, it was just over an hour after Aunt Katie's plane landed! She was so excited to finally get to meet you. When DeeDee picked her up at the airport she wanted to come straight to your house. She didn't even want to stop for a snack.

This is a picture of you and your Aunt Katie right after you met. I hoped to take a lot of pictures of you meeting Aunt Katie, but the batteries in my camera died and I only got 4 pictures. This was the best one. Aunt Katie brought you two pairs of pull on pants to wear with your onesies. They will look very cute on you.

You are still getting lots of gifts. In addition to Aunt Katie's gift, you received another very cute outfit in the mail today. Miss Ann, from across the street, came over to meet you while I was there, and she brought you an outfit, too. You are going to be one well-dressed little guy!!

Your daddy came home just before I left and he and Aunt Katie agreed that since they both like to hold you so much, she will have to do her holding while Daddy is at work. He will hold you in the evening. Sounds like that plan will work for everyone.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Still Tired from the BIG Weekend

Dougie, DeeDee came over to visit you and your mommy today.  When I got there, this is what I found...

You and your mommy were sound asleep on the sofa in the den!!  I'm glad I brought my book with me because you both slept for over an hour before you were ready to eat again.  I really enjoyed sitting in the room and watching you both sleep.  You were sleeping so peacefully together.

When you finally woke up, your mommy changed your diaper and then you had your lunch. Your Great Grandma Dugie came over to see you, and since Mommy had lots of food left over from the weekend, we ate our lunch when you were done.  We even enjoyed another piece of the cake from your Baptism.  It is really yummy cake!!

After sleeping all morning, you were not at all tired, so Great Grandma Dugie and DeeDee played with you while Mommy got a shower and did a couple of things that needed to be done around the house. After about an hour of playing you got very tired and wanted to go to sleep. You are not able to get to sleep without sucking, and since mommy is discouraging the pacifier, I let you suck on my finger...and you can REALLY suck!!  You are much stronger than you were last week...way to go!!

Mommy said that her friend Beth and her two little boys may come over to play with you tomorrow.  If they do, I probably won't see you.  I will definitely see you on Wednesday, though, when I bring your Aunt Katie to your house.  That will be a very special visit for all of us.  She is going to be able to stay 2 whole weeks, which is quite a treat since she lives so far away and does not get to visit often.

Love you, Dougie.  See you soon.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Your Baptism

At the church with your Great Grandmothers

Dougie, we had your Baptism yesterday.  So many people came to be with you on your special day. You were very good and you slept most of the day, unconcerned that you were the star of the show and everyone wanted to hold you!! 

The Baptism was scheduled for 12:05pm and everyone was on time.  Your Grandpa Dewaine and Grandma Molly were there from Northern Virginia, and your Great Grandmother Norris, Great Uncle Tom Norris and Great Aunt Beth came in from South Georgia.  Of course, DeeDee and Pappa Mike and Grandma Pam and Grandpa Doug and Great Grandma Dugie were there.  Tons of folks were there from your mom's side of the family, too...Great Aunts and Great Uncles and cousins galore.  There were also a number of people from your mom's school who came to see you for the first time, too.

Fr. Joe officiated at your Baptism and gave a wonderful little homily in which he said that you were a very loved little boy and you would learn about the love of God through the love of your family and friends.  Three other priests attended your Baptism...they thoroughly enjoyed themselves because none of them had ever attended a Baptism that they did not have to officiate.  Your Great Aunts Mary and Bernie and Great Uncles Michael and Glen were your godparents.  Lucky you to have twice the regular number of godparents!!

Fr. Joe holding you with your mommy and daddy and your godparents

After the ceremony we went back to your house and everyone ate Slopes BBQ, your mommy's favorite...she had Slopes right after you were born two weeks ago!! Your mommy and daddy got you a beautiful cake, which was delicious.  

Most people left by 3PM, but a few of us stayed around to watch your mommy and daddy open your presents.  You have received so many really nice things from the people who love you.

Great Aunt Bernie and Great Uncle Glen, DeeDee and Pappa Mike and Grandma Pam and Grandpa Doug left about 4.  I think that your mommy and daddy were really tired and really needed a nap.  Grandpa Dewaine and Grandma Molly were staying at your house and leaving for home early Sunday morning, so I'm sure that they were very happy to take care of you while your mommy and daddy got a little rest.  They wanted to get as much time with you as possible.

Grandma Pam and Grandpa Doug were planning to go home about lunch time on Sunday, so they were coming over to your house to play with you on Sunday morning.  You have had such a busy weekend that I'm sure that this afternoon is rest time for you and your mommy and daddy. 

I hope that you enjoyed your special weekend, Dougie.  I know that everyone else did. I will see you tomorrow.  We have to get ready for your Aunt Katie's visit.  She is coming on Wednesday and she gets to spend 2 whole weeks with you.  She works in a hospital with sick little babies and she can't wait to get to be with you, her new healthy little nephew. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Running Errands and Other Fun Stuff

Dougie, you and I had a lot of fun today.  While your mommy was getting ready to run errands, DeeDee held you and, since you were awake (for a change), we were able to play. I took your soft little rattle and shook it for you. You loved it and followed the sound with your eyes--you even turned your head to follow the sound when I moved it way over to the side. I cannot believe that you are able to do that when you are only 12 days old!!

You just loved following the sound of your rattle

We had a great time running errands with your mommy. She let me stay in the car with you while she ran into the stores so that all of the people would not want to talk to you and breathe on you. We don't want you to get sick. There is a lot of flu and colds going around right now. You slept for the entire time we were on our outing. You really like your car seat.

You loved sleeping in your car seat while we ran errands

When we got home, you were still sleeping, so DeeDee was able to hold you while your mommy ate her lunch. Then mommy fed you because you were really hungry. After you ate, DeeDee held you while your mommy made her nursing cover, which she will need this weekend because you are going to have lots of company for your Baptism on Saturday.

Great Grandma Dugie and your cousins Emily and Gregory came to see you. And then two of your mommy's friends from the Marist front office brought some food and spent some time playing with you. After that, you were ready to eat again, and sadly, it was time for DeeDee to go home. I won't get to see you tomorrow, Dougie, because I have to teach the big 7th grade kids.  I will see you on Saturday for your Baptism.  Maybe we can talk your mommy and daddy into letting you try Slopes for lunch!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sleeping in the Bassinet

Dougie, DeeDee had to teach 6th grade today, so I didn't get to see you. I talked to your mommy a couple of times.  She told me the wonderful news that you slept in your bassinet for an hour an a half today!!  That is a big first...way to go, big boy!!

I'm coming over to your house tomorrow.  Mommy and I are going to take you for a car ride. She has to run some errands and I will stay with you in the car.

There are lots of big storms in the area tonight.  I hope that the lightning and thunder don't scare you. I know that your mommy and daddy will hold you and take really good care of you.

See you tomorrow, Dougie!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Daddy Goes Back to Work

Dougie, your daddy had to go to work today.  It is the first time he has been away from you for more than an hour or so since you were born.  He was not looking forward to having to leave you at home today.

I had a great day with you today.  You were pretty tired from your very busy Presidents' had so many visitors.  Everyone is very anxious to meet you.

Your Great Uncle Glen's sister Jill sent you two bags of clothes yesterday.  There are so many cute things that her sons, Aiden and Nathan, wore.  Your mommy and I went through the bags twice. The first time we just admired all of the cute outfits, and the second time we separated the clothes by size...there are quite a few things that you can wear right now...and there are some things that you will never wear if you don't wear them pretty soon.  You are growing like the weeds in DeeDee's front yard!!

You slept on a pillow on my lap while your mommy took her shower. And, just like last week, you peed all over your outfit.  We had to change your diaper and your clothes before your mommy could feed you.

Great Grandma Dugie brought us lunch and then she took her turn holding you.  You were having a great time looking all around the room.  Your mommy and I were going to take you out in the car to run some errands after lunch, but your mommy was so tired she fell asleep while your Great Grandma was holding you.  When Great Grandma had to leave, you slept in my arms and your mommy slept on the sofa for another hour and a half.  When she woke up, I took you up and changed your diaper so that you would be nice and clean before you ate.  

Right before I left to go home, your daddy called from school and said that he would be leaving by 4:00...he couldn't wait to get home to see you.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Your First Babysitters

It was so good to see you last night, Dougie.  Pappa Mike and DeeDee really enjoyed spending time with you.  The most fun thing was that your mommy and daddy let us babysit!!  We were thrilled to get you all to ourselves while they went to the drugstore and to Starbuck's.  They didn't stay away very long, but I think that your mommy especially enjoyed getting out of the house for a little while.  It is the first time she has been outside since she and your daddy took you to the doctor last Tuesday.

While mommy and daddy were gone Pappa Mike held you while you slept.  I took lots of pictures of the two of you together.  You kept covering your face with your love to put your hands over your face...almost like you want to keep out the light so that you can sleep. Of course, you don't have any trouble sleeping, as long as someone is holding you. Your daddy said that one of your eyes was bloodshot yesterday morning...we all think that it is because you stuck your finger in it.

I didn't get to see you today, but your mommy said that you have had lots of company. Your Great Grandma brought two of her friends from church to see you, and your Great Aunt Ann and Great Uncle Tom visited, too.  Sounds like you have had a busy day.

Your daddy has to go back to work tomorrow.  He really hates that...he'd much rather stay home and help mommy take care of you.  I'll bet he gets home as soon as he can tomorrow night so that he can hold you all evening.  I am coming over to help your mommy take care of you during the day tomorrow.  I can't wait to see you.   

Sleep well for your mommy and daddy tonight so that daddy isn't too tired at work tomorrow.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day, Dougie!!

Dougie, you are one week old today and it is hard to believe how much has happened in 7 short days.  You are already learning so much and are so much more comfortable being in this world than you were last week at this time.  You are a very smart little boy and you learn very quickly.  You have definitely learned that you much prefer to sleep in someone's arms or to sleep snuggled up next to someone rather than to sleep all alone in your nice new bed!!

Yesterday, your mommy showed me the cute little Valentine's outfit that your Aunt Rebecca gave you.  I can't wait to see you in will surely be a little heartbreaker!! If your mommy and daddy send me a picture, I will post it on our blog.

Pappa Mike and I were out shopping this morning and we saw the cutest little boy, who was about 6 years old, with his Grandpa.  Grandpa was buying the little boy his first big bicycle and both of them were so excited!! It was a very special day for that Grandpa and his grandson. We can't wait until you are ready for your first big bicycle.  Pappa Mike can't wait to show you how different the world looks when you are traveling on two wheels.

Pappa Mike gave me the cutest Valentine's Day honor of you.  He said that this year I was his "Grand Valentine" sweet is that?  So from Pappa Mike to DeeDee and from DeeDee to you, Happy First Valentine's Day!!  Here's our card...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the Thirteenth

Dougie, I was so glad to see you today.  You change so much every time I see you.  I was surprised that your fingers looked shorter today. They didn't shrink, its just that you are starting to fill out.  Its easy to see that your mommy's milk agrees with you.

Your Great Grandma Dugie came over to see you and to hold you again today.  You slept in her arms in front of the window in the sun.  Before long, your jaundice will be all gone if you keep up the sunbathing.

We all had Pappa John's Pizza for lunch.  I'm sure that you would have liked to have some too, but your daddy said that you had to wait just a little while longer before you could have your first taste of pizza.  He is sure that you are going to like it.  He is also planning for you to be his Starbuck's buddy, since your mommy and DeeDee don't drink coffee.

You have lots of clothes and you are trying to make sure that you use all of them.  You had to change your clothes twice while I was at your house today.  Your daddy changed your clothes to freshen you up before DeeDee held you for your nap.  Then, while you were sleeping, you peed all over me and yourself!!  You were just laying there and sleeping so peacefully and all of a sudden I felt a warm wet spot on my jeans.  Sure enough, when I picked you up to assess the situation, I found that my jeans were wet and so was the entire back of your new clean outfit...and so, your daddy had to change your diaper and your outfit again!!

After that, you slept peacefully in my arms for about 2 hours!!  It was wonderful...I love to hold you and watch you sleep.  You did not wake up until just before 5pm, ready for your mom to feed you.  I left right after that since Pappa Mike was waiting for me at home, and he was hungry, too!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dougie, the Nipper-Napper

Yesterday your mommy found the name for your nursing style in her baby are a nipper-napper!!  You take a nip and then you take a nap!!  Mommy had a terrible time keeping you awake long enough to nurse.  You were really tired because you had gotten very little sleep since you were born because you were hungry.  Mommy's milk came in yesterday, and you were finally feeling satisfied.  You would take just enough milk to feel content and then you would fall asleep.  At one point mommy and DeeDee were both trying our best to keep you awake.  Even DeeDee's cold hands didn't totally wake you up.

Your daddy is a champion diaper changer.  I think he has changed every one of your diapers so far.  He really loves to hold you, too.  He did not even want to go to the store because he just wanted to stay home and hold you.  You are a much loved little boy!!

Pappa Mike finally got to hold you last night.  He just loved holding you and talking to you.  I know that the two of you are going to be great buddies.  Pappa Mike will make chocolate chip cookies for you and he will teach you to bicycle and to kayak as soon as you are old enough.

DeeDee had to work today, so I did not get to see you.  I can't wait until tomorrow when I can see you again.  I was teaching 7th grade today and I just kept thinking that once those big kids were just as little as you are right now.  It doesn't seem possible that you will be that big in just 12 short years!!

Dougie, I really missed you today.  I will see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Your first day at home

Hey, Dougie, you seem really glad to be home.  I know that your mommy and daddy are thrilled to finally have you home with them.  

Yesterday, you made your first trip to the pediatrician...that's a big word for baby doctor.  He said that you were doing great.  You had a little bit of jaundice, but nothing serious.  The doctor told your mommy and daddy that it would help to sit with you in the room of your house that had the most indirect sunlight. When I got to your house, the three of you were enjoying watching all of the activity at the house next door.  It is a HUD home, and bids are due by Monday, so the traffic was constant. It was good entertainment!! 

Your mommy and daddy were eating strawberries, pineapple and grapes from the Edible Arrangements bouquet that was sent by the people your daddy works with.  They enjoyed it so much that they finished it in one sitting!!

You love to nurse!!  If your mommy would let you, you would nurse 24/7...your mommy really needs a rest so DeeDee and Great Grandma Dugie decided to set up a "baby holding" time for you at least once a day.  Yesterday, Great Grandma took her turn and she loved it!! I went to the store for your mommy and when I came back she was happily holding you in front of the picture window so that the sun was shining on your little head.  You both looked very were asleep and the sun was helping your jaundice.

Last night DeeDee and Pappa Mike picked up your mom's car from her school.  Pappa Mike drove the car to work today and he is going to come up to see you tonight after work.  He is so excited that he is finally going to get to hold you!!  Right now, I am getting ready to leave our house to run some errands on the way up to see you and to have my special "baby holding" time.

Can't wait to see you, Dougie!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wecome to the World, Dougie!!

Today you are 3 days old...and what a weekend it has been!!

We have been waiting for your arrival forever.  It seemed that you would never get here.  On Friday, your daddy called to say that you were definitely on your way.  Pappa Mike and I were so excited.  We couldn't wait to meet you.  Unfortunately, you decided to take your time making your grand entrance.

You were born on Saturday, February 7 at 12:42pm...on the first Saturday in February, just like Pappa Mike.  Saturday was a beautiful southern winter day.  It was sunny and warm, letting everyone know that Spring is on the way.

Saturday was a very long day for the people who were at the hospital waiting to meet you...Grandma Pammie and Grandpa Doug arrived first about 9am, and DeeDee and Pappa Mike showed up about an hour later.  Your daddy came to see us a couple of times to tell us how things were going.  We were so excited to see him coming across the lobby about 1:30 with his camera and copies of your footprints to show us.  You were finally here!!

Just after we found out that you were here, your Great Grandma Dugie and Great Aunt Bernie and cousin TJ arrived at the hospital.  Everyone was hoping to get to meet you right away. Unfortunately, it was just about 5pm before we FINALLY got in to see you.  Your mommy and daddy were happy that Aunt Bernie and TJ had time to go to Slopes for BBQ before we came up to your room.  They were both VERY hungry and enjoyed some of their favorite food.

You were so beautiful...dark, slightly wavy hair, beautiful hands and feet, and teeny tiny little fingernails.  Right away you sucked your was so cute.  Everyone took pictures and took turns holding you.  Pappa Mike was sad that he could not hold you because he had just gotten over a very bad cold and he did not want to take a chance that you might get sick.  TJ decided that he would wait to hold you until you were a little bigger.  We only stayed with you for about an hour...your mommy and daddy were so tired.  They needed some rest.

On Sunday, Pappa Mike made some of his famous Chocolate Chip cookies for your mommy and daddy.  He knows that it will be a while before you can try his cookies, but he will make lots of them for you when you get a little bigger.  On the way to the hospital we had to stop at our favorite store and get you your first REI gift.  We found a cute little fleece Patagonia jacket. You didn't say much about it, but your mommy was thrilled that it was in Marist colors.

You were a little cranky on had been prodded and poked by the doctors and nurses and it was not fun at all.  Everyone was sorry that you had to go through all of those procedures, but we told you that it was going to help you be a healthy and strong little boy.

Monday was your last day in the hospital.  I brought your mommy and daddy lunch from Chic-fil-A, another one of their favorite places to eat.  After lunch, your mommy was so tired that she kept falling asleep while you were nursing.  After a while, I took you from her and you slept in DeeDee's arms for an hour and a half!!  It was so wonderful to hold you while you slept so peacefully.  The best part was that your mommy and daddy both got a good long nap, too.  I was the only one in the room who was awake.

After your nap, the nurses started to visit to help your mommy and daddy get ready to take you home.  There were lots of complicated instructions--you are really going to make their life interesting!!  I helped mommy and daddy by taking 4 bags of stuff home with me, which I will deliver to your house today.  Since you were going home in your daddy's truck, there was not enough room for everything that you had collected during your brief stay in the hospital.

At 10pm last night, after Pappa Mike and I were already in bed, your daddy called to say that you were finally home from the hospital!!  Welcome Home, Dougie!!

Oh, and Dougie, one more thing.  Tell your mommy and daddy not to be cross with me for calling you Dougie on this blog. Tell them that DeeDee is very familiar with this cyber-space stuff and that she knows how careful you have to be on the Internet.  She is teaching you right from the start that you should NEVER reveal personal identifying details on the Internet.