Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wecome to the World, Dougie!!

Today you are 3 days old...and what a weekend it has been!!

We have been waiting for your arrival forever.  It seemed that you would never get here.  On Friday, your daddy called to say that you were definitely on your way.  Pappa Mike and I were so excited.  We couldn't wait to meet you.  Unfortunately, you decided to take your time making your grand entrance.

You were born on Saturday, February 7 at 12:42pm...on the first Saturday in February, just like Pappa Mike.  Saturday was a beautiful southern winter day.  It was sunny and warm, letting everyone know that Spring is on the way.

Saturday was a very long day for the people who were at the hospital waiting to meet you...Grandma Pammie and Grandpa Doug arrived first about 9am, and DeeDee and Pappa Mike showed up about an hour later.  Your daddy came to see us a couple of times to tell us how things were going.  We were so excited to see him coming across the lobby about 1:30 with his camera and copies of your footprints to show us.  You were finally here!!

Just after we found out that you were here, your Great Grandma Dugie and Great Aunt Bernie and cousin TJ arrived at the hospital.  Everyone was hoping to get to meet you right away. Unfortunately, it was just about 5pm before we FINALLY got in to see you.  Your mommy and daddy were happy that Aunt Bernie and TJ had time to go to Slopes for BBQ before we came up to your room.  They were both VERY hungry and enjoyed some of their favorite food.

You were so beautiful...dark, slightly wavy hair, beautiful hands and feet, and teeny tiny little fingernails.  Right away you sucked your thumb...it was so cute.  Everyone took pictures and took turns holding you.  Pappa Mike was sad that he could not hold you because he had just gotten over a very bad cold and he did not want to take a chance that you might get sick.  TJ decided that he would wait to hold you until you were a little bigger.  We only stayed with you for about an hour...your mommy and daddy were so tired.  They needed some rest.

On Sunday, Pappa Mike made some of his famous Chocolate Chip cookies for your mommy and daddy.  He knows that it will be a while before you can try his cookies, but he will make lots of them for you when you get a little bigger.  On the way to the hospital we had to stop at our favorite store and get you your first REI gift.  We found a cute little fleece Patagonia jacket. You didn't say much about it, but your mommy was thrilled that it was in Marist colors.

You were a little cranky on Sunday...you had been prodded and poked by the doctors and nurses and it was not fun at all.  Everyone was sorry that you had to go through all of those procedures, but we told you that it was going to help you be a healthy and strong little boy.

Monday was your last day in the hospital.  I brought your mommy and daddy lunch from Chic-fil-A, another one of their favorite places to eat.  After lunch, your mommy was so tired that she kept falling asleep while you were nursing.  After a while, I took you from her and you slept in DeeDee's arms for an hour and a half!!  It was so wonderful to hold you while you slept so peacefully.  The best part was that your mommy and daddy both got a good long nap, too.  I was the only one in the room who was awake.

After your nap, the nurses started to visit to help your mommy and daddy get ready to take you home.  There were lots of complicated instructions--you are really going to make their life interesting!!  I helped mommy and daddy by taking 4 bags of stuff home with me, which I will deliver to your house today.  Since you were going home in your daddy's truck, there was not enough room for everything that you had collected during your brief stay in the hospital.

At 10pm last night, after Pappa Mike and I were already in bed, your daddy called to say that you were finally home from the hospital!!  Welcome Home, Dougie!!

Oh, and Dougie, one more thing.  Tell your mommy and daddy not to be cross with me for calling you Dougie on this blog. Tell them that DeeDee is very familiar with this cyber-space stuff and that she knows how careful you have to be on the Internet.  She is teaching you right from the start that you should NEVER reveal personal identifying details on the Internet.

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