At the church with your Great Grandmothers
Dougie, we had your Baptism yesterday. So many people came to be with you on your special day. You were very good and you slept most of the day, unconcerned that you were the star of the show and everyone wanted to hold you!!
The Baptism was scheduled for 12:05pm and everyone was on time. Your Grandpa Dewaine and Grandma Molly were there from Northern Virginia, and your Great Grandmother Norris, Great Uncle Tom Norris and Great Aunt Beth came in from South Georgia. Of course, DeeDee and Pappa Mike and Grandma Pam and Grandpa Doug and Great Grandma Dugie were there. Tons of folks were there from your mom's side of the family, too...Great Aunts and Great Uncles and cousins galore. There were also a number of people from your mom's school who came to see you for the first time, too.
Fr. Joe officiated at your Baptism and gave a wonderful little homily in which he said that you were a very loved little boy and you would learn about the love of God through the love of your family and friends. Three other priests attended your Baptism...they thoroughly enjoyed themselves because none of them had ever attended a Baptism that they did not have to officiate. Your Great Aunts Mary and Bernie and Great Uncles Michael and Glen were your godparents. Lucky you to have twice the regular number of godparents!!
Fr. Joe holding you with your mommy and daddy and your godparents
After the ceremony we went back to your house and everyone ate Slopes BBQ, your mommy's favorite...she had Slopes right after you were born two weeks ago!! Your mommy and daddy got you a beautiful cake, which was delicious.

Most people left by 3PM, but a few of us stayed around to watch your mommy and daddy open your presents. You have received so many really nice things from the people who love you.
Most people left by 3PM, but a few of us stayed around to watch your mommy and daddy open your presents. You have received so many really nice things from the people who love you.
Great Aunt Bernie and Great Uncle Glen, DeeDee and Pappa Mike and Grandma Pam and Grandpa Doug left about 4. I think that your mommy and daddy were really tired and really needed a nap. Grandpa Dewaine and Grandma Molly were staying at your house and leaving for home early Sunday morning, so I'm sure that they were very happy to take care of you while your mommy and daddy got a little rest. They wanted to get as much time with you as possible.
Grandma Pam and Grandpa Doug were planning to go home about lunch time on Sunday, so they were coming over to your house to play with you on Sunday morning. You have had such a busy weekend that I'm sure that this afternoon is rest time for you and your mommy and daddy.
I hope that you enjoyed your special weekend, Dougie. I know that everyone else did. I will see you tomorrow. We have to get ready for your Aunt Katie's visit. She is coming on Wednesday and she gets to spend 2 whole weeks with you. She works in a hospital with sick little babies and she can't wait to get to be with you, her new healthy little nephew.
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