Snow in DeeDee's front yard
Dougie, it has been so long since I have seen you. The last time I was at your house was February 25th and today is the first day of March. Pappa Mike and DeeDee were on our way up to see you today, but we had to turn around and go home because of the snow. The weather man said that the snow would stick to the grass, but not to the roads. He was wrong!! When we left our house, the snow was coming down very hard. We expected to find clear roads once we got out of the neighborhood, but no such luck. DeeDee was very sad because she had counted on seeing you today...I guess that I will just have to wait until tomorrow to see you.

Yesterday I made two more nursing covers for your mommy. She made one just after you were born and she is using it all the time. She is getting lots of compliments on it, too. Pappa Mike and I also went to the scratch and dent sale at REI. We found some really good stuff, including a bike for Pappa Mike and an extra set of paddles for our kayak. I also found a really neat book to read to you. Pappa Mike and DeeDee are going to keep it at our house, so that we can help you learn about animals when you visit us.

Dougie's new book
Since I couldn't visit you today, I made another nursing cover for Aunt Katie's friend, Lindsey. She had a little boy named Zachary last Tuesday. He less than 3 weeks younger than you are. Maybe you can play together sometime. Pappa Mike, DeeDee and Aunt Katie are going to get to meet Zachary at his Bris on Tuesday. We are anxious to meet him and to see his mommy, daddy and big brother, Joshua.
Keep your fingers crossed that the roads clear off early tomorrow so that DeeDee can come see you. I can't wait to hold you again and to see how much you have grown since last Wednesday.
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