Hey, Dougie. This pictue is my current favorite. Your mommy took it on St. Patrick's Day, while DeeDee was holding you. Notice my green shirt...I know, its not kelly green, but it was the best that I could do.
Do you know why I like this picture so much? Because after many attempts, you finally succeeded in getting your little thumb into your mouth and keeping it there long enough to drift off to sleep. You have been trying to do this for a couple of weeks now and you finally had your very first success!! You are a very determined little boy, and I am sure that before long, getting that thumb will be second nature to you, but right now, its a great triumph when you succeed. You don't yet succeed every time you try, but you definitely keep trying.
Pappa Mike and I visited you this past Sunday. Pappa Mike had not seen you in 2 whole weeks and he could not believe how much you had grown and how well you were holding your head up all by yourself. We had a very good time with you, even though you were pretty tired after your long trip to the University of Georgia in Athens on Saturday and your visit from Miss JoAnn from the Early Learning Center earlier Sunday afternoon.
I hope that you have gotten a lot of rest the last couple of days. I am coming up tomorrow to see you and to help your mommy get ready to go back to work. I can't wait to see how you are doing capturing your thumb!!
Love you, Dougie. See you tomorrow.
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