Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rain, Rain GO AWAY!!

Hey, Dougie, DeeDee and Pappa Mike are spending Memorial Day weekend down in LA (Lower Alabama). We usually have lots of fun riding bikes and kayaking while we are here. Unfortunately, it has rained and rained ever since we arrived so we have not gotten to do the things we like to do. Pappa Mike did get a fairly long bike ride the other day, but when he went out today, he only got as far as the entrance to the subdivision before a big shower hit.

Tonight, after dinner, we were finally able to walk down to the bay and take some pictures. Both Pappa Mike and I brought our cameras and we were hoping for some good sunset pictures since there was a small break in the clouds right at the horizon. Hopefully, Pappa Mike got better sunset pictures than I did!!

Pappa Mike taking pictures at the bay

We love to watch the birds here, too. Pappa Mike saw a Sparrow Hawk on our way into town the other day. He had never seen one before and he couldn't believe how small it was. While we were eating dinner tonight on the restaurant patio the Laughing Gulls were making a huge racket...some little kids had given them a bit of their leftover dinner, and the gulls had called all of their friends over to join in the feast. Unfortunately for the gulls, it wasn't a very big feast so they got a little irritated and let those kids know that they wanted more. 

I can't wait until you are old enough to come down to LA with DeeDee and Pappa Mike. I know that you will LOVE doing all of the fun things we do here. 

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