Hey, Dougie. I can't believe that its been so long since I posted a message on our blog. DeeDee has been super busy in May. School will be out in just a couple of weeks and lots of teachers need substitutes. Most days between now and the end of school, DeeDee could work two or three jobs if she could figure out how to be in more than one place at a time!!
DeeDee and Pappa Mike have managed to spend some time with you even though life has been busy. We saw you at Lucy's First Communion party last Saturday. As usual, you were very curious about what was going on and you were wide awake during the entire party. You got to meet your Aunt Mary and cousin Garrett from Wisconsin and lots of people in Amy's family. Of course, everyone thought that you were a really handsome guy...and DeeDee has to agree!!
I worked at your mommy's school on Monday and got to see you again. You were eating when I arrived at the ELC, but once you were done, DeeDee held you for about 20 minutes before she had to leave. You grinned at me a couple of times, which was really special, since you are usually a very serious guy.
I also got to observe one of your first attempts at making choices. You are really growing up. While DeeDee was holding you, you were not totally happy with something (I'm not sure what it was) and you really thought about crying, but decided not to. I saw you stick out that bottom lip, and your chin started to quiver, and it looked like you were going to really crank up, but you didn't. It was just like you thought about it and decided that you didn't really need to cry after all. What a big boy!! It was really cool watching your baby thought processes at work.
DeeDee will be at Mommy's school again on Thursday. I can't wait to see you then.
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