Hey, Dougie. Today you are three months old. DeeDee was able to spend several hours with you today in the ELC. It was such a treat and you gave me the most special Mother's Day gift...you grinned at DeeDee and I was (finally!) able to catch that beautiful smile on camera!!
I loved being with you today. You are three months old and I got to sing "Happy Birthday to You"!! We had some really active tummy play time. You were holding your entire upper body off of the carpet and you were trying to scoot around. It won't be long before you will be moving all over the ELC with your friends. After playing so hard, you got very sleepy and you fell asleep in my arms. You slept for over an hour and you did not even wake up when your mommy came in to feed you. But when you did wake up, you were a very hungry boy and you let everyone know it!
Miss JoAnn brought me a bottle to give you and you polished it off in no time. When it was gone, you were mad...you cried louder than I have ever heard you cry. Miss JoAnn wasted no time filling your bottle again so that you could have more milk. When the second bottle was gone, you still were not satisfied, so DeeDee gave you MORE milk.
After three bottles, you finally seemed full and satisfied. I'll bet you are going through a growth spurt!! Your mommy said that you are going to the doctor's tomorrow and I'm sure you have grown a bunch in the last month. DeeDee can't wait to hear how much you weigh and how tall you are. I know that you are going to get some shots tomorrow, and DeeDee hopes that they don't make you too cranky.
Have a good weekend with your mommy and daddy. Make your mommy's first Mother's Day very special!! I know that you made her a present at the ELC. I'm sure that she will really like your gift. Be a good boy and smile a lot for her on her very special day. DeeDee and Pappa Mike are going down to see Pappa Mike's mother in Jacksonville for Mother's Day, so we will not get to see you this weekend. DeeDee will be back at your mommy's school on Monday, so I will visit you in the ELC then.
Love ya, Dougie!!
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